Monday, September 29, 2008

Exscuse Me I'm Trying To Study!!

I just want to take a break from working on some homework to post real fast. The people above us sound like a heard of elephants!! I keep waiting for our ceiling to fall in!! Part of me just wants to go up their (mind you I've never even met these people) and tell them what the heck are you thinking?!?!?! Though I can hear my mom saying now Kelly they might have small children that just don't know how to be quiet to which I would reply well for heaven's sake they need to teach them!! I did see some carpet cleaning company or something of such outside when I came home, so maybe just by chance it is them, but I would sure like it if it didn't sound like our ceiling was falling in!!

P.S. Normally this wouldn't bother me, but it's been like that for 2 hours!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ahh The Joys Of Electricity!!

I am proud to say that Brian and I now have power at our apartment!! Say it with me now...HALLELUJAH!!! We have been living with my grandparent's for the last 11 days and now we get to go home!!!! We love my grandparent's and being with them, but it's always nice to get back into a routine in your own house!!

I will post more updates later...just wanted to share the great news!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Just Checking In

I haven't blogged in awhile so I just thought I would write this quick update. Brian and I have been busy busy....sometimes it feels like we are never in more than one place for very long! This past weekend we went to see Brian's parent's for the long weekend and we had a great time! Brian was able to help his dad with some things that needed to get done and I hung out with Brian's mom and his adorable 2 year old nephew Bryson. We all had a great time along with some family friends of their's there were in town for the weekend. We came home on Monday night in time to go to my grandparent's for dinner and it was great to see everyone there!

In just six months (well six months as of Sunday) Brian and I will be walking down the aisle and we can hardly believe it!! In some ways it feels like it has taken forever to get here and in other ways it has flown by!! Brian booked our honeymoon recently we are going to the happiest place on earth....Disney World!! Some of you might be asking why in the world do you want to spend your honeymoon with a bunch of kids running around everywhere?? Well I have always wanted to go there and Brian is sweet enough to take us there (he would give me the world if he could) and plus Brian and I are not the kind of people to go on vacation somewhere and just hang out. Some of the exact details are still a surprise to me and Brian tells me that it will stay that way...he is even having everything sent to him at work so he knows for sure that it will stay a surprise!

School is going pretty well for me. It will be a busy semester that's for sure, but I really like what I am doing. I am going to be working with a Kindergarten class with a veteran teacher so I am hoping that she will have lots of good ideas and advice for me.

On a side note I don't have alot of time to watch t.v. but there are a few things that I watch occassionally and one of those things is John & Kate Plus 8. I love that show...I think it is hilarious to watch her with all the kiddos! Brian can't stand that show and thus I record it and watch it when he's not home! I even asked him if he'd buy me the show on DVD for Christmas and he said absolutely not! Anyways they were on Oprah yesterday and I just thought that was cool.

P.S. I will get some vacation pictures up soon!