Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tomorrow's The Day!!

WOW....I can't believe that graduation day is just 1 day away!! It feels like forever I've waited forever for this day to get here!! When I look back on my college experience it really has gone by fast!! I know there were many times when I wondered if graduation would ever get here, but it really did fly by!! I couldn't have gotten to this day without some very important people, so here's a few thank you's for them, though thank you is not nearly enough!!

Brian: I couldn't have made it this far without you! You have been there to encourage and support me every step of the way since the day I met you! You have always made sure that I've had whatever I needed for school and just wanted me to do the best I could. You have worked so hard over the last 4 months so that I could student teach and get to this point and for that I thank you more than you know! I know at times I get aggrivated because you work so much, but it really is a huge blessing to me to have a husband that works so hard! I love you with all my heart! I'm ready to start my "big girl" job and enjoy the next stage of our life! Oh and by the way you're running out of exscuses!! ;)

My Parents: I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you! Thank you for constantly encouraging me and reminding me that the reward at the end is well worth it! I can remember all the times I would have a final that I was so worried about, I would call my mom while I was driving to my final and she'd always pray for me! Those prayers got me through alot of tough finals! I remember calling my dad and crying because I didn't know how I was going to pay for summer school 2 years ago and he said you don't worry about how to pay for it, I will figure something out! Thank you mom, dad, & Melinda for all that you've done for me!

Granny & Mikey: Wow I definitely would not be here without you! I'm following in my granny's footsteps of being a teacher and she's helped me more times than I can count. Whether it was needing an idea for a lesson or just giving me advice on a lesson, or helping me decorate a weather bear on her kitchen table as part of a project! Mikey and I have spent hundreds of hours at their kitchen table studying! He has definitely gotten me through some tough classes! I remember calling him this summer and telling him that I got a B in my math class (that we studied so hard for!) and I was so surprised, because I really just wanted a C so I could pass the class. He told me that he'd prayed and told my granny that he really believed that I would receive a B. My grandparent's have been huge prayer warriors and have prayed before every big test that I've had!

Kim: Thank you for always encouraging me! Thank you for understanding when I had to go home and study rather than hang out! It wasn't fun to say no I couldn't hang out, but it worked out in the end. You have always been excited for every test that I've passed or good news that I've gotten! Thank you for being such a great sister, but also one of my best friends! Thank you also for making me an aunt...being Aaron's aunt has brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible! Being an aunt is one of the greatest jobs in the whole world & I promise to give you that opportunity eventually! :) Oh yeah thanks for marrying Guy...he's a pretty cool brother in law too :)

Lil Bubba: You have always been there for me, you are not only my baby brother but one of my best friends! You have always encouraged me and been excited for me when I got good news! I have no doubt that I will hear you when I walk across the stage tomorrow night! I also had no doubt that some way some how you would be there tomorrow night! Like you said you were 1700 miles away from home for my wedding and you made it! I better hear you tomorrow night!

If I've forgotten anyone please forgive me! You know I love each and every one of you and couldn't have made it to this day without all of you!

Congrats to my fellow education majors....we did it ladies...we made it to graduation!!