Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tomorrow's The Day!!

WOW....I can't believe that graduation day is just 1 day away!! It feels like forever I've waited forever for this day to get here!! When I look back on my college experience it really has gone by fast!! I know there were many times when I wondered if graduation would ever get here, but it really did fly by!! I couldn't have gotten to this day without some very important people, so here's a few thank you's for them, though thank you is not nearly enough!!

Brian: I couldn't have made it this far without you! You have been there to encourage and support me every step of the way since the day I met you! You have always made sure that I've had whatever I needed for school and just wanted me to do the best I could. You have worked so hard over the last 4 months so that I could student teach and get to this point and for that I thank you more than you know! I know at times I get aggrivated because you work so much, but it really is a huge blessing to me to have a husband that works so hard! I love you with all my heart! I'm ready to start my "big girl" job and enjoy the next stage of our life! Oh and by the way you're running out of exscuses!! ;)

My Parents: I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you! Thank you for constantly encouraging me and reminding me that the reward at the end is well worth it! I can remember all the times I would have a final that I was so worried about, I would call my mom while I was driving to my final and she'd always pray for me! Those prayers got me through alot of tough finals! I remember calling my dad and crying because I didn't know how I was going to pay for summer school 2 years ago and he said you don't worry about how to pay for it, I will figure something out! Thank you mom, dad, & Melinda for all that you've done for me!

Granny & Mikey: Wow I definitely would not be here without you! I'm following in my granny's footsteps of being a teacher and she's helped me more times than I can count. Whether it was needing an idea for a lesson or just giving me advice on a lesson, or helping me decorate a weather bear on her kitchen table as part of a project! Mikey and I have spent hundreds of hours at their kitchen table studying! He has definitely gotten me through some tough classes! I remember calling him this summer and telling him that I got a B in my math class (that we studied so hard for!) and I was so surprised, because I really just wanted a C so I could pass the class. He told me that he'd prayed and told my granny that he really believed that I would receive a B. My grandparent's have been huge prayer warriors and have prayed before every big test that I've had!

Kim: Thank you for always encouraging me! Thank you for understanding when I had to go home and study rather than hang out! It wasn't fun to say no I couldn't hang out, but it worked out in the end. You have always been excited for every test that I've passed or good news that I've gotten! Thank you for being such a great sister, but also one of my best friends! Thank you also for making me an aunt...being Aaron's aunt has brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible! Being an aunt is one of the greatest jobs in the whole world & I promise to give you that opportunity eventually! :) Oh yeah thanks for marrying Guy...he's a pretty cool brother in law too :)

Lil Bubba: You have always been there for me, you are not only my baby brother but one of my best friends! You have always encouraged me and been excited for me when I got good news! I have no doubt that I will hear you when I walk across the stage tomorrow night! I also had no doubt that some way some how you would be there tomorrow night! Like you said you were 1700 miles away from home for my wedding and you made it! I better hear you tomorrow night!

If I've forgotten anyone please forgive me! You know I love each and every one of you and couldn't have made it to this day without all of you!

Congrats to my fellow education majors....we did it ladies...we made it to graduation!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Am Thankful

Today I just want to reflect on everything that I am thankful for. I think sometimes we all forget that we have alot to be thankful for and sometimes it helps to be reminded.

  • I am thankful first and foremost for God always providing for me and my family's needs no matter how big or small! I have learned alot this year to not worry about the small stuff (or the big stuff for that matter) and to just let God have it and He'll take care of it! Not always in my timing but in His perfect timing!
  • A husband that will give me the world and tries to whenever possible. He is a very hard worker. He works alot of long hours, but he always makes sure we have everything we need and most things that I want ;) even if sometimes he doesn't understand why I want (aka need) them!
  • Parent's that are some of my very best friends! I would truly be lost without them! They have always been there (and always will be) cheering me on and without them I would not be where I am today.
  • My sister and brother that I would do anything for! Kim & I may not always see eye to eye on everything but we always have eachother's back! She brought a wonderful brother in law & the most adorable nephew into my life! I am proud of her and the person she has become! I am thankful for my lil bubba, because I know that no matter what he will always be there. We have been through alot with him, but it has all worked out for the best. He always keeps us on our toes and is the proudest uncle to our sweet nephew! I am thankful that he's here this Thanksgiving and not in California!
  • My adorable, oh so sweet (well most of the time...hehe!) nephew! He makes me life and smile no matter what! He has taught me to see the world through his eyes. I love how he says Kel Kel and I love you and he can always make me laugh! I love how excited he gest when he sees me! I love that he would live outside if his momma would let him and that he's 100% boy! I love that he will still let us hold him (well sometimes) and that he is always willing to give the sweetest hugs!
  • For my grandparent's...these two mean more to me than they'll ever know! I would definitely not be here without them today! They have helped me get through school and have always believed in me. If I've ever needed anything (or still do) they are never more than a phone call away.
  • I am thankful that in just a few short weeks I will be getting my degree, something that will be an asset to me all of my life and will allow me to do something that I absolutely love and can't imagine myself doing anything else!
  • I am thankful for a wonderful student teaching experience! This is something that I have prayed for, for a very long time! I have been blessed to have had 2 very WONDERFUL mentor teachers!
  • I am thankful that my best friend (who I've had since I was 6) was finally able to move back home in September! She is a wonderful mother to a beautiful baby girl and has always been such a wonderful friend to me!
  • I am thankful for the wonderful teaching job that God has in store for me, at just the right place that He picked out for me!

I have so much to be thankful for and I'm sure I've forgotten something or someone, so if I have please forgive me! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and get to spend alot of time with your family. We will spend it at Kim's where there will be good food and lots of family!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Year Ago Today!!

One year ago today my baby brother started his journey of Marine bootcamp! A year ago was by far one of the HARDEST times in my life. It was SO hard to see my brother load up on a bus and know that we wouldn't see him for another 3 months. He missed his 19th birthday, my sister's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's at home and it just kept feeling surreal. I remember getting that first letter from him and you would have thought that Christmas came early that day and in fact it did! I really do believe that everything happens for a reason and all I can say is I will always support my baby brother in whatever he decides to do and love him just the same! I was the 1st person to get to him the day we got to see him and boy that was a great feeling!

Lil Bubba,

First and foremost I am so proud of the man you have become! You left here last year my carefree, 18 year old baby brother and came back a man! It was the BEST feeling in the whole wide world to be able to finally see you and then to be the first person to hug you in San Diego! I love you so much and will always love and support you no matter what! You know that no matter what I will always be on your side! I pray that you find all you want in life and that you see that you really do deserve to have all the best that life has to offer! I love you and no matter what am so glad that you're home!


Your Big Sis

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Aaron!

Happy 2nd Birthday to the most adorable nephew in the whole wide world even if it is a day early!

I can't believe my sweet nephew is no longer a baby but a full blown toddler who makes me laugh constantly! 2 years ago today little did we know that at 9;30 that night our lives would forever change when Guy called and said they "might" be staying at the hospital...well that was good enough for us and before they could say no we were all there waiting on my sweet nephew to be born! At 2:37 on October 2nd by sweet Aaron Baron made his way into this world and changed all of our lives forever!
I know you can't read this (but someday you will be able to) but I want you to know that being your aunt is one of the greatest jobs I could ever have hoped for and I can't imagine life without you! I love that you call me Kel Kel now and that you are so excited to see me all the time! I love how you would live outside if your momma would let you, I love how you say I love you and most of all I love you more than you'll ever be able to imagine! Your 1st birthday picture is sitting in my living room and I can't believe that you are 2 already! You are so sweet (well most of the time!) and are so much fun to be around! Uncle Brian and I love you very much! We can't wait to see you Sunday and celebrate your birthday with you! Don't worry you know whatever you want your Aunt Kel Kel will get you!

A very proud aunt & uncle!
This picture makes me laugh so much!
Our sweet Aaron Baron
1st Birthday!
Can't believe you're 2 already! Ilove you more than you'll ever know!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun!! This has been a busy year for Brian and I and the summer was no different!! I can hardly believe that August is nearly over and before we know it we will be getting ready for Aaron's 2nd birthday and the holidays!!

I really can't remember what I last blogged about, but here's what we've been up to lately:

  • My lil bubba came home for good on August 7th! It was very fun to be able to surprise everyone with him being home! He called me early that morning and told me that he was flying home (he has already been given his final papers, but was going to have to wait for 3 days before the Marines could process a bus ticket for him) so he got a flight out of San Diego and was on his way home! A friend picked him up at the airport and I met them that afternoon. I took him to the bank to see Kim and she immediately started crying! It had been 5 months since we last saw him! Then we were able to surprise my moma nd Granny and that was fun! I wasn't with them when they went to surprise dad, but I heard that was great too!
  • We went to see George Strait on August 8th (yes Lil Bubba made it home just in time) and it was AWESOME! By far the best concert I have EVER been too! I definitely hope we get to see him again soon!
  • My last day at the bank was on August 12th...boy what a weird feeling! It was a great job while I have been in college and I had been there for 5 years so it was bittersweet to leave! My lil bubba took my place their and has been there a week now! He has big shoes to fill! ;)
  • Brian and I have recently taken up bike riding...and we really like it! We don't get to ride nearly as much as we'd like (or I'd like because I don't know that Brian likes it as much as I) but it's something fun and free to do!
  • We hope to get our wedding pictures back this weekend! I can't wait to see them printed rather than on a CD!
  • I started student teaching this week and I LOVE IT! It really makes me want my own class so bad! Just a few more months and I'll officially be SHSU alumni!
  • Brian is busy working away and when I say busy I mean BUSY! I am so thankful and so blessed to have a husband that works SO hard and provides a great life for us! He works like crazy so that I can finish going to school and I'm so blessed!
  • Aaron is as cute as ever and I think he gets cuter everytime I see him! I can hardly believe that my sweet nephew is no longer a baby and will definitely be every bit of 2 in October! I do have a bone to pick with him though, because he says Matt Matt (or yells Matt) when he wants to talk to Uncle Matt but will hardly ever say Kel and he hasn't seen Matt in 5 months! That is one boy that sure does love his Uncle Brian lately!
  • We are loving our house still and hope to get some projects accomplished eventually. We need to get our guest room together and I'd like to organize our office better, we'd also like to put in some more and new flower beds. I wonder if Brian will put Christmas lights on our house?! Somehow I doubt it so I won't hold my breath!
  • Oh yeah and last but certainly not least my best friend since childhood, Julie will be home sometime in the next month or so for good! I can't wait to see her and her sweet baby girl Olivia all the time! :)

Well I'd better go...I need to find something for dinner since Brian informed me that he didn't get a lunch break and he's starving! I'll try to do better at blogging.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Shopping Anyone?!

Have you already completed your back to school shopping for your kiddos?! Do you have birthday's coming up, or for all my friends out there who are moving into a new house, please check out a website that a friend of mine has just launched. What is it you ask?! Well it's called Linden Tree Boutique of course! For all of my teacher friends out there she has GREAT new Wild About Teaching shirts that are ADORABLE & I plan to order one soon! For my friends out there that have kids, nieces/nephews, in daycare she has great ways lable sippy cups and my sister swears by these labels! If you don't see something here that you'd like please contact Lindsay and I'm sure she can help you come up with something that will meet your needs and she is constantly updating her website so please check it out at


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Salsa Chicken

I definitely can't take credit for this recipe, but I do thank my friend Ashley for passing it along. I am sure she won't mind me passing it along to all of you, so here goes. If I can make this ANYONE can make this!

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I use the 98% fat free kind, and you can't tell the difference)
1 packet of taco seasoning (I use the low sodium one)
1 cup of salsaplace
chicken breasts on the bottom of crockpot, sprinkle taco packet on top, add mushroom soup and salsa. cook on low for 6-8 hours. THAT'S IT!!!
Ashley added that she usually serves it over rice, which is what I did and it was delish!

We tried this on Tuesday night and it was DELISH! This will definitely be something I cook again.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy 3 Years!!

Happy 3 year anniversary to my sister & Guy! I can't believe it's been three years since you guys tied the knot! I think that was the hottest July day ever...the rain didn't help...but you guys had an awesome wedding and have come along way in three years!! I love you both and hope you have a great day!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

What A Difference A Year Makes...

What a difference a year makes!! One year ago today was one of the scariest days of our families life. A year ago today my dad went in for a simple procedure for his heart and it went horribly wrong! I will never forget Melinda calling me and telling me that we needed to get to the hospital now! I called Kim who quickly dropped Aaron off with mom and then decided to all meet at my apartment. Guy would pick up Matt on the way and we would be on our seemed like FOREVER before Guy and Matt got to the apartment so we could leave. We all crammed into my car and drove as fast as we could to downtown..except there was one thing wrong with that was rush hour traffic! It felt like it took us 2 hours to get there. When we finally did we met Melinda and Nan in the cardiac ICU waiting room where finally (after what felt like forever and I'm sure felt like an eternity to Nan & Melinda who had already been waiting so long) the doctor or nurse (I can't really remember who because it's all a blur now) came out and said that he was stable and in CICU (cardiac ICU) and that we could see him shortly. Nothing Melinda or Nan could have said (though they tried their hardest) could have prepared me to see dad in the condition that he was in! All I could do was cry and barely say I love you to dad who honestly looked like death warmed over as he lay there. I told Brian I hope he couldn't hear me crying, because that was all I could do was cry! He spent a total of 5 days in ICU and those were the longest 5 days of our lives! The first time my dad woke up was on Sunday and he asked Brian what day it was and we told him Sunday (he knew he had gone in on Thursday) and all he could do was say he was sorry and I kept telling him not to worry about it that he was going to be fine! He spent another 7-8 days in the hospital and was finally released to come home the last day of July!! What a day that was!! There was honestly a moment in that hospital that I wondered if that day would ever get here! I am so thankful that God was there watching over my dad that day (as He always does) but that he had some extra protection over him! I can't imagine a single day without my dad and am so greatful that we had so many people praying for us for those 12 days! Dad I love you more than you'll ever know and don't know what I'd do without you! Your love is unwavering and I love you as big as Texas! Thank you for being the best dad that Kim, Matt, or I could ever ask for and loving us unconditionally! Thank you for being the best Pops to our sweet Aaron Baron!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Miracles Do Happen...

Miracles do happen....I NEVER HAVE TO TAKE ANOTHER MATH CLASS AGAIN!! I GOT A B IN MY SUMMER MATH CLASS!!! Now it's on to student teaching and GRADUATION in December!!!! Thank you all for your prayers!!!! LET SUMMER BEGIN!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Summer School, Heat, Birthdays, & Life

I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted..our life has been CRAZY busy! I started summer school on June 9th (or sometime around then) and have been working my tail final was yesterday and I'm waiting and waiting..did I mention waiting some more on the grades to be posted...the suspense is killing me!

We have been very busy with work and school for me and of course with our house. We have had friends and family over a few times over the last month and we can't wait to have more over!

I will call myself a whimp because this heat is CRAZY! I can't stand to be hot and I think this year is worse than ever! This is the time when I wish I had a pool or owned a boat! My poor husband is mowing the yard as I write this!

Our 4th was great but laid back. My mom went to the ER last Monday with horrible stomach pains and just got out today! Between now and then she had surgery to remove a build up of scar tissue from a previous surgery which was causing the horrible stomach pains. My sister was a real trooper and stayed several nights with my mom, with me being in summer school and also my crazy fear of hospitals it was hard for me to be there all the time like Kim was. We went and visited my mom in the hospital to start out our 4th and then went to my grandparent's for lunch and for me to have study session for math with Mikey and then finally it was over to dad's for a BBQ and fireworks!

My sweet husband is turning 26 on Saturday! We are headed to his parent's for his birthday and I hope he has a great day! I keep asking him what he wants for his birthday and he says nothing. Brian is the type of person that if he really doesn't want anything he doesn't want anything or if he does he will buy it for himself! He is also the person that don't buy him something he won't use, because he REALLY won't use it! I love you babe and hope you have a great birthday on Saturday! I'm sure I'll find something to get him between now and Saturday..after all we are going to see George Strait in August for both our birthdays.

I am excited that my best friend will be moving back home very shortly. She is stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado right now with the Army and will be getting out soon and moving back home! I can't wait to have her and her sweet baby girl Olivia just a few minutes away! Also we are just playing the waiting game on when my brother is coming home...he did a major part of his paperwork today, so hopefully he'll be here soon. We're really hoping he gets to come to the George Strait concert with us!

I have also realized recently that my sweet nephew isn't a baby anymore and is a full blown toddler and is definitely looking like one! Besides my daddy and Brian this sweet boy has my heart! I love this kid more than he could imagine! It's hard to believe he'll be 2 in October!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Say A Prayer

Please say a prayer for me this next month. I start summer school tomorrow and it is my last class (it's a math class) that stands between me and student teaching. I did well last summer in math and I know that I can do it again this summer it's just that math isn't my best subject. Please pray for favor with my professor (I've heard good and bad about him) and a clear understanding of the subject matter.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy Busy

We're still alive we've just been busy. We've been busy getting settled into our house and working like crazy! We had a great weekend and Brian is nearly finished building our deck! I finally convinced Brian to hang some pictures on the wall (okay it was only 3...but still it's a start!) and they look great! We hung out with Kim & Guy and my friend David and his wife Meghan on Saturday night and had a great time! This is my last week of freedom before summer school starts on June 9th! It will be my last math class EVER so I'm ready to get that over with!

In other news I found out my student teaching placement this past week and I am SO blessed! It is a school that is literally maybe 5 minutes from my house! I will be in a Kindergarten class for 6 weeks and then in a 4th grade class for 6 weeks! I am a little nervous about 4th grade, because the only experience that I've ever had in the classroom has been with Kindergarten, but I know it will be a great semester!

We're just busy working away. We have Chelsea's graduation this weekend and we're also hoping that Brian's parent's will be able to come visit this weekend. We're excited for them to see our new house! We're also just waiting on them to send Matt's all a waiting game at this point!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The King of Country

That's right Brian, Matt, and I are going to see The King of Country...aka George Strait!! He is coming to Houston in August (happy early birthday to me!) and bringing Sugarlang, Blake Shelton, and Julianne Houghe with him! Brian and I have always said that if he ever came to town or close to town that we would go see him...he's on the top of my list of people to see in concert (and I've seen alot of concerts). We knew he'd be coming to Arlington in July with Reba (he's opening the cowboy's new stadium) and we figured that we'd go stay with Brian's parent's and see the concert, but we couldn't get tickets. Brian's assistant read in the Chronicle Friday morning that you could buy tickets on the website so my wonderful husband bought 3 tickets!! We are super excited and since Brian's birthday is in July and mine is in August (the weekend after the concert) that is our birthday present to eachother and Matt's ticket is his present to himself because he's coming home!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I SURVIVED METHODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel extremely accomplished and am very proud to say that I received A's in all 4 of my classes and that I received a perfect 3 on my mini TWS...this is a HUGE project and feel alot more prepared for student teaching. I already know that I will be in Conroe ISD for my student teaching, but I am one of the people that don't know their campus placement yet, so please pray that a) I get a campus close to my house and b) that one of my best friends, Lauren and I get the same campus!

I will update more tomorrow, but now it's time to get ready for bed....5:20 sure comes early!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's Starting To Look Like Home

It's starting to look more like home around here. I haven't taken pictures yet because I want to get everything in place before I take pictures, but I will get them taken eventually. We were extremely blessed to have a HUGE amount of help from my family last weekend when we moved in. Brian and my grandpa have been working hard on our backyard and Brian finished one of their backyard projects last night. Our backyard doesn't have grass in it right now, but Brian hopes to get the guy out to put grass back there this week or next. All in all everything is getting there. I just got done waiting on Rooms To Go to deliver our entertainment center (they delivered the original one last week but dropped it off the truck!) so I have few boxes to unpack in our living room and then my other project for today is to work on upacking the room that will be our office. We still need to get pictures on the walls and decorations up but that will come in time.

In other news I have officially survived methods!! I have about a three week break until summer school starts in June. I am taking my LAST MATH CLASS EVER in June and then will have a break until student teaching starts in August. I am still waiting on my exact school assignment, but do know that it will be in Conroe ISD.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Take A Tour

Ok so we're still alive just busy as can be because we're moving this weekend!! Brian and I are very excited to move into our first home and have been busy packing up our apartment. It will be a little sad to leave this apartment as we have some great memories here, but we've definitely outgrown this place and it will be nice to have more room. My Granny told us that right now it will seem like our house is huge (it's a 3 bedroom 2.5 bath 2 story) right now but before we know it that house will be filled up too!

Here's some pictures of our new house and our current apartment all packed up! This is what it looked like before we started packing up! Thank you to my mother in law for all of the boxes!
This is what it looks like every evening...this is our pile to take the the house tonight!
Front View

Living Room

Looking Into Kitchen

Garage (finally I get to park my car in a garage!)

Garden Tub in Master Bath

More Master Bath

Kitchen View

One of the extra bedrooms

Our HUGE backyard...I couldn't even get the whole backyard in one picture! My little dog might get lost back there!

View from front of the house

Say a prayer that the weather will cooperate with us for a great weekend to move!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Official...

I'm proud to announce that we are officially homeowners!! We signed all of our paperwork tonight and went by and got our keys...we even stopped by AT&T on the way home and got uverse!!

Here is a picture from the builder's website of our house...I promise to get more pictures up this weekend.

We will officially move in next weekend but until then we'll keep packing up our apartment and move boxes over there this next week and then move all the big stuff next weekend. I charged the battery to my camera because I wanted to take a picture at closing but I forgot it at home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great but busy Easter! Brian started off the Easter weekend by going with my family to the egg hunt at church (I had to work of course!) and he said that Aaron loved it and new exactly what to do! We went to church on Easter with my dad & Melinda (like we always do) and were glad that my mom was able to come with us also! We did have a pretty special moment in church on Sunday when I saw a young guy (about Matt's age) walk into church in his Marine dress blues! As soon as I told Kim and she saw who I was talking about we both started was truly touching! It definitely made us with that Matt could have been there, but we are proud of what he is doing! After church we all went back to dad & Melinda's and had lunch and an Easter egg hunt. We were glad that Nan, Jason, Sonya Marie, and Sophie were able to join us. Here are some pictures of our sweet little's hard to believe that last year he barely understood the concept of Easter and this year he was completely into it! He also very much loved the Cars themed Easter basket that Aunt Kelly & Uncle Brian got him!

Aaron sharing his Easter goodies with Pops! I think he had enough Easter egg hunting for one Easter! He carefully went through his Easter goodies!
This is just because this pictures makes me laugh! Now we know what Guy does to Aaron when Kim's not home!

This past week I also had the priviledge of meeting my best friend's BEAUTIFUL baby girl Olivia! Julie you have an absolutely adorable baby girl and I can't wait to see both of you again! I love you both!

In other news we are just busy working away and waiting on a CLOSING DATE FOR OUR HOUSE!! I haven't wanted to ginx it so I haven't said much about it and I do have pictures but I'll wait until we close to post them!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Month Already?!

It's hard to believe that Brian and I walked down the aisle over a month ago!! This last month has been great and whirlwind all at the same time! We got back to reality after our honeymoon and hit the ground running with work and school. I think that Brian was glad to be able to just focus on work for awhile and it was good to get back into a routine with school and work for me. We also have started looking for a house during the last month and hopefully have found one. Everytime I see a commercial for Disney World I constantly tell Brian that I want to go back!! We had the time of our lives and can't wait to go back one day hopefully sooner than later! We were also glad to have my brother here for the last few days. He flew in Friday and left on Wednesday afternoon. No matter how he gets here it is always good to see him! Please keep him in your prayers! I am getting ready to go meet my best friend Julie's sweet baby girl today! I am so excited and can't wait to meet Olivia! I will post more this weekend.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All Things Wedding

Brian and I are definitely blessed with a great family and great friends! We had the wedding of our dreams on March 7th and couldn't be happier! I had my bachelorette party on Thursday the 5th and had a great night with the girls.

Friday we woke up and were getting ready for our bridal luncheon that my grandparent's were hosting at their house. I woke up crying because I was afraid that my brother wasn't going to make it home (we still hadn't heard anything for sure from him at this point) and Brian kept assuring me that he would make it here if he could. I called my dad while Brian got ready to see if he'd heard from him and he said that he couldn't keep it a secret anymore but that he'd bought my brother a ticket a week earlier and he would have to fly all night but he'd land in Houston at 6am on my wedding day! We had a wonderful bridal luncheon and then it was time for a rehearsal...well after finding Brian's parent's a hotel room because apparently the hotel near my parent's house was booked for another wedding! We had a great rehearsal and ate some yummy BBQ at McKenzie's.
We went our separate ways after the rehearsal (Brian with Guy and some of my family to the Cactus Lounge) and Kim, Mom, & I to her house to watch a movie and make cookies....well my brother had other plans for us!! My dad calls us around 9:00 and tells us that my brother has gone UA (unapproved absence) and the Marines are looking for him!! I was balling my eyes out all the while begging my dad to turn him into the Marines after my wedding, but my dad said that he had to do the right thing and turn him in right away. We spent the next several hours crying and begging my brother to turn around and go back to San Diego (all the while he was at the airport and all ready to get on a plane to Houston while the Marines are scaring us by telling us what could happen to Matt if he didn't come back right then) Chelsea and I frantically ran to Wal-Mart at 11:30pm to get phone chargers for our phones so that when Matt did call (he was calling periodically during all of this) we would be able to talk to him. We knew that if he could make it to Las Vegas (one of his layover sites) he could probably make it to Houston. Long story short he made it to Houston at 6am and was there when I walked down the aisle! He also received favor (much prayed for favor) with the Marines when he got back. We had a beautiful day of fun, family, and friends! Brian and I are truly blessed and I am blessed to have married the man of my dreams! I will leave you with pictures of the big day. For more pictures check out my myspace or facebook.

Stay tuned for pictures from our AMAZING honeymoon to Disney World! It will take me awhile to get those pictures up but I will get them up soon! I love you Brian and I'm so blessed to have such an amazing husband!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Newlywed Life

We are back from our AWESOME honeymoon and unfortunately are back to work tomorrow ;) I will post more details & of course pictures later, but I just wanted to let everyone know that we had an AMAZING wedding and honeymoon.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Tomorrow's The Big Day!

Tomorrow is the big day and we're so excited!! We've been running around this morning trying to get everything packed and I think it's all ready to go!! We have a bridal lunch at my grandparent's today and then our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner tonight. Please continue to say a prayer, because we still don't know if the Marines are letting my brother come home this weekend, I just hope they do and that he's on a plane to Houston tonight!!

Well I'd better go so I can get a few last minute things together...I'll post when I get back & next time I post I'll be a Mrs!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Please Pray

Please say a prayer of favor with us...we are still waiting to hear if Matt will be able to come home for the wedding on Saturday!! Please say a huge prayer of favor with us, because I can't imagine walking down the aisle without my lil bubba being there. Also please pray for him because he is feeling discouraged and also cut his head today and should have really gone to get stitches. I will keep everyone updated on whether he makes it home. Thank you all for praying!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Proud To Be An American

All I can say is WOW I am proud to be an American (as I hear that song playing in my head)...I am watching Oprah right now and she is at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington D.C. talking to the servicemen and women who have been injured while serving OUR country! Time after time everyone says the same exact thing...they would do it again in a heartbeat! Seeing these men and women makes me think of my amazing baby brother and best friend who are proudly serving our country! I am about to see Julie on Sunday for the first time since she came home from Iraq last August and I am hoping to hear good news from my baby brother this weekend about him being able to come home for my wedding. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about how I felt the first time we saw my brother when he was getting ready to graduate bootcamp. All I can say is thank you to everyone who is serving our country so unselfishly and a big thank you to my baby brother and best friend Julie! I love you both so much and am so proud of you! Julie I can't wait to see you on Sunday and Lil Bubba I sure do hope you make it home and are standing next to Brian and Guy when I walk down the aisle!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

11 Days & Counting


While Brian and I don't feel like that yet....well I don't feel that way, Brian has alot to get done at work before he leaves next Tuesday to start his vacation time, so he may feel like that! We just finished the final touches on our wedding program and all that's left to do is go and buy the gifts for the kids in our wedding, bachelorette party, bridal lunch, rehearsal, and rehearsal dinner, and then we'll be married! I can hardly believe that we're 11 days away! I truly am blessed to be marrying the man of my dreams and can't wait to start this next chapter in our lives! We are very excited to see everyone, for our families to get to spend more time together, and just to enjoy this time in our lives and take it all in. I am excited to see everyone all dressed up, to see Aaron & Bryson in their little suits, and to see Summer in her beautiful dress!! I also can't wait to see what they'll do in the wedding, because as we all know something is bound to happen when you have kids in your wedding.

Please say a prayer for our family, mostly my brother because we are still unsure if he's going to be home for the wedding! He is in the field (i.e. camping) all this week and we're anxiously awaiting to see if he'll get a text message out to us to make his flight arrangements to come home. We will know for sure (well I say for sure, but with the Marines I guess nothing is ever for sure) this weekend if he's going to be able to come home. He's told me that even if he only gets to be here for literally 24 hours he'll be here! Please say a huge prayer that he will have favor with those in charge and will be here standing next to Brian & Guy when I walk down the aisle.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Update on Life

Hello blog world! Things have been good, but crazy around here. We are 15 days away from the wedding and I can't believe it is almost here. It feels like we've been planning forever and now it is finally here! I can't believe that just 2 weeks from today we'll be getting ready for our bridal luncheon and then getting ready for our rehearsal! We've just been working and going to school for me. I am in a Kindergarten class that I really love and am excited about teaching! Please continue to say a prayer of encouragement for my brother! I haven't talked to him since Monday and he should be able to use his phone by this weekend, but I really do hope that his spirits are lifted and also that he got approved to come home for the wedding! Anyways I just wanted to post an update, be sure to watch this blog for the next few weeks as we'll have pictures of all of the events leading up to our wedding.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Prayer Request

I just wanted to ask everyone to please say a prayer of encouragement for my brother whenever you think about it please. He had to report to Camp Pendleton last Tuesday and though we did get to talk to him via text message some last week and then on the phone several times this weekend, it was harder for him to leave this time than it was for him to leave for bootcamp. He just really needs some encouragement right now and needs all the prayers that he can get right now. It breaks my heart to see him so discouraged and homesick and would do whatever I could to make it better, but there's not really much I can do except encourage him and pray for him. Thank you for all of your prayers and words of encouragement while he was in bootcamp, they meant so much! Thank you all for your prayers and I promise that I'll get a better post up soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

San Diego Trip

I finally have time to blog about our trip to San Diego. I'm sorry I haven't blogged before now (we've been home for 10 days) but Matt was only here for 10 days and we wanted to spend every minute we could with him. We got on a plane on January 28th and headed to San Diego, we got to see Matt for the first time in 86 days the next day!! It was definitely a moment that I'll never forget and am so very proud!! We first saw Matt during what is called the Moto Run, but we couldn't talk to him or hug him, but it sure was good to see him. We took Matt's girlfriend Chelsea and her mom with us as a suprise for Matt & boy was he surprised! So surprised that when he saw Chelsea and my sister during his run he ran into the guy in front of him! Here are some pictures of our trip that I will tell the whole story with.

This is where Matt spent the last 3 months!!
The Moto Run..this was the 1st time we saw Matt!!
Here He Is!!
After we saw Matt complete the Moto Run we still weren't able to see him (it's all about hurry up and wait!) we went into the auditorium at MCRD and were briefed on everything that they had been through in the last 3 months. When we finally did get to see Matt and hug him it was an amazing feeling! We were seated in bleachers during the family day ceremony (the day we first saw Matt) and were on about the 10th row up, but somehow I made it down their in record time and was the first to be able to hug Matt!! What a day that was!!

He Sees Us!!Getting Ready To Be Dismissed For On Base Liberty!!

We Were So Happy To Be All Together Again!!

Matt & MomMatt, Chelsea, DadHis 2nd "real" meal...he had to hurry & eat because he was about to be late.
Friday was graduation day and boy were we glad that it was finally here!! It was definitely one of the most amazing ceremonies that I have ever been too and is definitely something I recommend to everyone!!

Matt's Platoon

There's Matt!!He's Trying Not To Smile Because He Sees Us!!Getting ready to be dismissed for the final time at MCRD!! I am SO proud!!
Kim & Matt
Dad, Matt, Melinda
Mom & Matt Matt & Chelsea
Matt & Rob (they signed together and did pretty much everything in bootcamp together)The guys bags all lined up and ready to go home!!Brian carrying Matt's bag (that bag weighs about 125lbs)

Sunday was a great was the first time that Matt was able to come to church with us since he left!! Everyone was so glad to see him and he looked so handsome in his uniform!! It was amazing how many people came up to him and thanked him for serving. My good friend Rhonda said it best when she started crying when she saw him!!

Matt in his uniform at church!!

I got a text message from Matt around 2:30 this afternoon and he made it to San Diego and was on the bus heading to Camp Pendleton. He will spend 7 1/2 weeks here completing his infantry training. He gets weekends off and was able to take his cell phone with him, so we'll be able to talk to him alot more often than we did when he was in bootcamp. I am a little sad that 10 days are over already, but he will be back for my wedding in a few weeks, so we'll definitely be glad to see him. Also please be praying for us that he will receive Recruiter's Assistance (RA) when he completes infantry school, because that will mean that he will get 30 days leave before he has to go to his next duty station.

In other news we've just been working, going to school, and getting ready for our wedding that is in 24 days!! I can hardly believe that our wedding is almost here!! I love you Brian and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!!