Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Official...

I'm proud to announce that we are officially homeowners!! We signed all of our paperwork tonight and went by and got our keys...we even stopped by AT&T on the way home and got uverse!!

Here is a picture from the builder's website of our house...I promise to get more pictures up this weekend.

We will officially move in next weekend but until then we'll keep packing up our apartment and move boxes over there this next week and then move all the big stuff next weekend. I charged the battery to my camera because I wanted to take a picture at closing but I forgot it at home.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great but busy Easter! Brian started off the Easter weekend by going with my family to the egg hunt at church (I had to work of course!) and he said that Aaron loved it and new exactly what to do! We went to church on Easter with my dad & Melinda (like we always do) and were glad that my mom was able to come with us also! We did have a pretty special moment in church on Sunday when I saw a young guy (about Matt's age) walk into church in his Marine dress blues! As soon as I told Kim and she saw who I was talking about we both started was truly touching! It definitely made us with that Matt could have been there, but we are proud of what he is doing! After church we all went back to dad & Melinda's and had lunch and an Easter egg hunt. We were glad that Nan, Jason, Sonya Marie, and Sophie were able to join us. Here are some pictures of our sweet little's hard to believe that last year he barely understood the concept of Easter and this year he was completely into it! He also very much loved the Cars themed Easter basket that Aunt Kelly & Uncle Brian got him!

Aaron sharing his Easter goodies with Pops! I think he had enough Easter egg hunting for one Easter! He carefully went through his Easter goodies!
This is just because this pictures makes me laugh! Now we know what Guy does to Aaron when Kim's not home!

This past week I also had the priviledge of meeting my best friend's BEAUTIFUL baby girl Olivia! Julie you have an absolutely adorable baby girl and I can't wait to see both of you again! I love you both!

In other news we are just busy working away and waiting on a CLOSING DATE FOR OUR HOUSE!! I haven't wanted to ginx it so I haven't said much about it and I do have pictures but I'll wait until we close to post them!

Friday, April 10, 2009

A Month Already?!

It's hard to believe that Brian and I walked down the aisle over a month ago!! This last month has been great and whirlwind all at the same time! We got back to reality after our honeymoon and hit the ground running with work and school. I think that Brian was glad to be able to just focus on work for awhile and it was good to get back into a routine with school and work for me. We also have started looking for a house during the last month and hopefully have found one. Everytime I see a commercial for Disney World I constantly tell Brian that I want to go back!! We had the time of our lives and can't wait to go back one day hopefully sooner than later! We were also glad to have my brother here for the last few days. He flew in Friday and left on Wednesday afternoon. No matter how he gets here it is always good to see him! Please keep him in your prayers! I am getting ready to go meet my best friend Julie's sweet baby girl today! I am so excited and can't wait to meet Olivia! I will post more this weekend.