Thursday, July 8, 2010

Catching Up

I can't believe that I haven't posted since March, but quite frankly sometimes I feel like I don't have much to say that would be exciting. Since I last posted I finished subbing and have spent the summer at home bored out of my mind honestly. Brian has been working hard and I'm so thankful for how hard he works for us. He recently moved to the office he originally started out at in Humble.

Last week I went to Aaron's 4th of July parade at school and it was SO cute! It was raining but we didn't let that rain on our parade and truly had a parade! Here's a cute picture of him riding his bike in the parade.

I truly can't believe that in just a few short months my favorite nephew will be 3!! There are times when I look at him and say holy cow when did he turn into such a person instead of a baby!! The stuff he says will keep you laughing forever!! Aaron I love you and can't imagine a better job than being your aunt!!

This is truly how I feel at this very point in my life!! I am still looking for a teaching job, but I have faith and am trusting God that He has the perfect job out there for me. I'm not good at waiting so waiting for my dream job is hard! Hey anyone that was born 3 months early was not meant to be good at waiting in life is what I always say.

We are leaving today to go to Brian's parent's house because Brian will be turning 27 on Sunday!! I will post about his birthday when we get back. Have a great and safe weekend everyone!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Whole Year Already?!

On Sunday (March 7th) Brian and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary and I can honestly say that the last year of our lives has flown by!! We celebrated all weekend...Saturday we went to a movie and out to dinner at Cheesecake Factory and then on Sunday we grilled steaks and corn on the cob for dinner. It was a perfect anniversary weekend!! A few weeks ago Brian got 2 new suits for work so that was his anniversary present (who knew suits were so expensive!) and he got me a diamond heart shaped necklace & yes he went to Jared's!

Everyone told me to enjoy every minute of our wedding day, because it would fly by and then later it would seem like a whirlwind and it definitely has. It's crazy to think that this time last year we were on our honeymoon in Disney World & how I've wanted to go back every month since!
Again thank you to our parent's and awesome friends & family that made our day so special! Also who can forget the crazy adventure that my brother sent us on the night before the wedding! Kim and I are going to have to think of a way to pay him back at his wedding! HaHa!
To my wonderful husband: Thank you for making this last year the best year of my life! We don't always see eye to eye on everything but at the end of the day we love each other and would do anything for one another and that's all that matters. I can't wait to look back on our 2 year anniversary and see what our lives have been like over the last year and for many more years to come! I love you with all my heart!
One of my favorite wedding pics.
My bubba never smiles in pictures but this picture right here let me know that all he'd been through and had to go back and face was worth ever bit of it!

Look how cute & little he is...oh yeah and at my pretty sister too! :)

Such a big boy! He can do everything by himself these days!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Catching Up

Ok so I know I've been horrible at blogging, but honestly I don't feel like anything that interesting has been going on in our lives! Here's a recap of 2009 (ok so I stole this idea from my friend Michelle) :)

  • January: I rung in the new year with bronchitis..what fun! We had our wedding shower on January 24th & got lots of great gifts from wonderful friends & family! 4 days later we flew to San Diego, CA to see my lil bubba graduate marine bootcamp!
  • February: Flight got delayed in San Diego, but we made it home in time to watch the superbowl! We spent our last valentine's as an engaged couple & were busy putting the last minute touches on our wedding!
  • March: WE FINALLY SAID I DO!! It was a crazy few days leading up to the wedding, but it all came together & lil bubba even made it home!! We spent a wonderful week in Disney World & I've asked to go back every month since!! We started looking for our first home!! My best friend Julie had her beautiful baby girl Olivia!!
  • April: Closed on our house on April 30th!!
  • May: Moved out of our 1 bedroom apartment and into our beautiful new home!!
  • June: Started Summer School (last math class ever) with fingers crossed!
  • July: Brian turned 26!! Ended summer school with a surprising B & a huge sigh of relief to have taken my last math class ever! Thanked God for saving dad a year ago on July 17th!
  • August: Saw George Strait in concert for the 1st time ever and it was AMAZING!! I turned 24!! I also quit my job of 5 years and started student teaching!! Lil bubba came home!! Applied for graduation!! Celebrated Melinda's birthday!
  • September: fully into student teaching & working on my huge graduation project (AKA...Teacher Work Sample) Julie came home!!
  • October: Turned in above mentioned TWS...Finally! Celebrated dad, Aaron, and Guy's birthdays! Still can't believe Aaron turned 2!! Had a fun kids dress up party on Halloween at Kim's. Where Aaron was superman and Olivia was a ladybug! 2nd part of student teaching began!
  • November: Celebrated Matt, Mikey, and Kim's birthday's!! Kim & Guy hosted their 1st Thanksgiving!!
  • December: Graduation month had finally arrived!! Celebrated mom and Granny's birthday (they have the same bday) We spent the entire month counting down the days til graduation, Brian working, attending Christmas programs and parties, and visited Brian's parent's twice (we visited them other times during the year too, but I can't remember when)!! GRADUATION DAY FINALLY ARRIVED!! After 5 long years I finally had my degree!!

  • So far this year we've: celebrated Mikey's dad's 90th birthday, celebrated Nan's birthday, I got my teacher's certification & degree, Brian moved to The Woodlands office, and now we're getting ready to celebrate our 1st Valentine's as a married couple and in just 24 days will celebrate our 1 year anniversary!! The last year of my life has literally flown by & I can't wait to see what the next year has in store!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tomorrow's The Day!!

WOW....I can't believe that graduation day is just 1 day away!! It feels like forever I've waited forever for this day to get here!! When I look back on my college experience it really has gone by fast!! I know there were many times when I wondered if graduation would ever get here, but it really did fly by!! I couldn't have gotten to this day without some very important people, so here's a few thank you's for them, though thank you is not nearly enough!!

Brian: I couldn't have made it this far without you! You have been there to encourage and support me every step of the way since the day I met you! You have always made sure that I've had whatever I needed for school and just wanted me to do the best I could. You have worked so hard over the last 4 months so that I could student teach and get to this point and for that I thank you more than you know! I know at times I get aggrivated because you work so much, but it really is a huge blessing to me to have a husband that works so hard! I love you with all my heart! I'm ready to start my "big girl" job and enjoy the next stage of our life! Oh and by the way you're running out of exscuses!! ;)

My Parents: I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you! Thank you for constantly encouraging me and reminding me that the reward at the end is well worth it! I can remember all the times I would have a final that I was so worried about, I would call my mom while I was driving to my final and she'd always pray for me! Those prayers got me through alot of tough finals! I remember calling my dad and crying because I didn't know how I was going to pay for summer school 2 years ago and he said you don't worry about how to pay for it, I will figure something out! Thank you mom, dad, & Melinda for all that you've done for me!

Granny & Mikey: Wow I definitely would not be here without you! I'm following in my granny's footsteps of being a teacher and she's helped me more times than I can count. Whether it was needing an idea for a lesson or just giving me advice on a lesson, or helping me decorate a weather bear on her kitchen table as part of a project! Mikey and I have spent hundreds of hours at their kitchen table studying! He has definitely gotten me through some tough classes! I remember calling him this summer and telling him that I got a B in my math class (that we studied so hard for!) and I was so surprised, because I really just wanted a C so I could pass the class. He told me that he'd prayed and told my granny that he really believed that I would receive a B. My grandparent's have been huge prayer warriors and have prayed before every big test that I've had!

Kim: Thank you for always encouraging me! Thank you for understanding when I had to go home and study rather than hang out! It wasn't fun to say no I couldn't hang out, but it worked out in the end. You have always been excited for every test that I've passed or good news that I've gotten! Thank you for being such a great sister, but also one of my best friends! Thank you also for making me an aunt...being Aaron's aunt has brought more joy to my life than I ever thought possible! Being an aunt is one of the greatest jobs in the whole world & I promise to give you that opportunity eventually! :) Oh yeah thanks for marrying Guy...he's a pretty cool brother in law too :)

Lil Bubba: You have always been there for me, you are not only my baby brother but one of my best friends! You have always encouraged me and been excited for me when I got good news! I have no doubt that I will hear you when I walk across the stage tomorrow night! I also had no doubt that some way some how you would be there tomorrow night! Like you said you were 1700 miles away from home for my wedding and you made it! I better hear you tomorrow night!

If I've forgotten anyone please forgive me! You know I love each and every one of you and couldn't have made it to this day without all of you!

Congrats to my fellow education majors....we did it ladies...we made it to graduation!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Am Thankful

Today I just want to reflect on everything that I am thankful for. I think sometimes we all forget that we have alot to be thankful for and sometimes it helps to be reminded.

  • I am thankful first and foremost for God always providing for me and my family's needs no matter how big or small! I have learned alot this year to not worry about the small stuff (or the big stuff for that matter) and to just let God have it and He'll take care of it! Not always in my timing but in His perfect timing!
  • A husband that will give me the world and tries to whenever possible. He is a very hard worker. He works alot of long hours, but he always makes sure we have everything we need and most things that I want ;) even if sometimes he doesn't understand why I want (aka need) them!
  • Parent's that are some of my very best friends! I would truly be lost without them! They have always been there (and always will be) cheering me on and without them I would not be where I am today.
  • My sister and brother that I would do anything for! Kim & I may not always see eye to eye on everything but we always have eachother's back! She brought a wonderful brother in law & the most adorable nephew into my life! I am proud of her and the person she has become! I am thankful for my lil bubba, because I know that no matter what he will always be there. We have been through alot with him, but it has all worked out for the best. He always keeps us on our toes and is the proudest uncle to our sweet nephew! I am thankful that he's here this Thanksgiving and not in California!
  • My adorable, oh so sweet (well most of the time...hehe!) nephew! He makes me life and smile no matter what! He has taught me to see the world through his eyes. I love how he says Kel Kel and I love you and he can always make me laugh! I love how excited he gest when he sees me! I love that he would live outside if his momma would let him and that he's 100% boy! I love that he will still let us hold him (well sometimes) and that he is always willing to give the sweetest hugs!
  • For my grandparent's...these two mean more to me than they'll ever know! I would definitely not be here without them today! They have helped me get through school and have always believed in me. If I've ever needed anything (or still do) they are never more than a phone call away.
  • I am thankful that in just a few short weeks I will be getting my degree, something that will be an asset to me all of my life and will allow me to do something that I absolutely love and can't imagine myself doing anything else!
  • I am thankful for a wonderful student teaching experience! This is something that I have prayed for, for a very long time! I have been blessed to have had 2 very WONDERFUL mentor teachers!
  • I am thankful that my best friend (who I've had since I was 6) was finally able to move back home in September! She is a wonderful mother to a beautiful baby girl and has always been such a wonderful friend to me!
  • I am thankful for the wonderful teaching job that God has in store for me, at just the right place that He picked out for me!

I have so much to be thankful for and I'm sure I've forgotten something or someone, so if I have please forgive me! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and get to spend alot of time with your family. We will spend it at Kim's where there will be good food and lots of family!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

One Year Ago Today!!

One year ago today my baby brother started his journey of Marine bootcamp! A year ago was by far one of the HARDEST times in my life. It was SO hard to see my brother load up on a bus and know that we wouldn't see him for another 3 months. He missed his 19th birthday, my sister's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's at home and it just kept feeling surreal. I remember getting that first letter from him and you would have thought that Christmas came early that day and in fact it did! I really do believe that everything happens for a reason and all I can say is I will always support my baby brother in whatever he decides to do and love him just the same! I was the 1st person to get to him the day we got to see him and boy that was a great feeling!

Lil Bubba,

First and foremost I am so proud of the man you have become! You left here last year my carefree, 18 year old baby brother and came back a man! It was the BEST feeling in the whole wide world to be able to finally see you and then to be the first person to hug you in San Diego! I love you so much and will always love and support you no matter what! You know that no matter what I will always be on your side! I pray that you find all you want in life and that you see that you really do deserve to have all the best that life has to offer! I love you and no matter what am so glad that you're home!


Your Big Sis

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Aaron!

Happy 2nd Birthday to the most adorable nephew in the whole wide world even if it is a day early!

I can't believe my sweet nephew is no longer a baby but a full blown toddler who makes me laugh constantly! 2 years ago today little did we know that at 9;30 that night our lives would forever change when Guy called and said they "might" be staying at the hospital...well that was good enough for us and before they could say no we were all there waiting on my sweet nephew to be born! At 2:37 on October 2nd by sweet Aaron Baron made his way into this world and changed all of our lives forever!
I know you can't read this (but someday you will be able to) but I want you to know that being your aunt is one of the greatest jobs I could ever have hoped for and I can't imagine life without you! I love that you call me Kel Kel now and that you are so excited to see me all the time! I love how you would live outside if your momma would let you, I love how you say I love you and most of all I love you more than you'll ever be able to imagine! Your 1st birthday picture is sitting in my living room and I can't believe that you are 2 already! You are so sweet (well most of the time!) and are so much fun to be around! Uncle Brian and I love you very much! We can't wait to see you Sunday and celebrate your birthday with you! Don't worry you know whatever you want your Aunt Kel Kel will get you!

A very proud aunt & uncle!
This picture makes me laugh so much!
Our sweet Aaron Baron
1st Birthday!
Can't believe you're 2 already! Ilove you more than you'll ever know!